RISE to Bloome Software
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Use of samples and templates provided by R2B Software
All code samples, other samples, and templates are provided to developers and other interested parties, to examplify different aspects of developing software using RISE™ and Marshal. They are provided to be used as examples only and no liabilities are accepted by R2B Software for their use. By using them to develop software, you assume full responsibility for the use of the code as well as for the resulting software.
By downloading or using any or all of the samples, you agree to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Your use may not directly or indirectly imply R2B Software's sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of any products or services.
  • You may not infringe any of R2B Software’s intellectual property or other rights.

These guidelines do not grant permission to use any other R2B Software property, nor do they grant permission for any other purpose. If your use meets the above criteria, no further written permission is required and you may download any or all of the samples.