The Column Node
Column nodes, a.k.a. leafs, contain three categories of properties, XML, Source and Data Processor. The XML properties define how the data in the column should be stored in the export files, the Source properties describe the source data as it is defined in the source system, and using the Data Processor properties you configure a data processor to manipulate the harvested data.
The root node and query nodes can have columns whereas placeholders and columns cannot. You add columns to the root node and query nodes simply by right clicking on the node in the tree and selecting New Column. When using the
ODBC database harvester, Marshal browses the database schema, allowing you to select columns from the database, including their source properties.
The XML Properties
Image 1, The Column XML Properties
Creation |
Type |
Auto (default): The element is created at export as a result of harvesting. Manual: The element/attribute or any sub elements/attributes will not be created at export as a result of harvesting, but can optionally be added at a later time by e.g. a post processor or a leaf data parser. Manually added elements/attributes may be used to define import jobs. |
Element |
The name of the Xml Element/Attribute in the resulting XML document. |
Export |
Specify whether the node should be saved to the Xml document. Setting the property to false means that the data of the node is available during execution, e.g. for relations and data processors, but it will not be exported to XML. |
Prefix |
Select the XML namespace prefix for your node. All namespaces added to the root node are available to use. By default the node uses the same prefix as its parent. |
Type |
Possible values are Attribute, Element and ParentInnerText. Attribute: The column value is stored as an attribute in the parent element. Element: The value is stored as an element. ParentInnerText: The value is stored as inner text in the parent element. This is only allowed if all other columns, if any, are of type Attribute. |
The Source Properties
Image 2, The Column Source Properties
Source |
Column Name |
When the ODBC database harvester is used, the property normally contains a column name, but it could just as well contain any valid SQL statement, e.g. to concatenate the values of two columns, or to convert the datatype of a column. When the XML Web service harvester is used, the property contains an XPath expression and when the JSON Web service harvester is used, the property contains the name of a JSON object member. For more information, please read the article for the respective harvester. |
Column Size |
The size of the column in the source system. If the ODBC database harvester is used, this property is automatically set when retrieving columns. |
Data Type |
The data type of the column in the source system. If the ODBC database harvester is used, this property is automatically set when retrieving columns. |
Default value |
The default value of the column. If the ODBC database harvester is used, this property is automatically set when retrieving columns. |
Nullable |
Specifies whether the column is nullable. If the ODBC database harvester is used, this property is automatically set when retrieving columns. |
The Data Processor Properties
You can add dataprocessors to your columns to manipulate their values. The data processors are executed for each harvested row of data. After the dataprocessor has executed, the value of the leaf is the value returned by the data processor. Click on the data processor item in the list box to display the properties of the data processor. The name of the list box item is the name of the currently selected data processor, or Disabled, if no data processor has been selected.
All data processors have their own set of properties. Please read the
Data Procesors article for information about the different processors and their respective properties.
Image 3, The Column Data Processor Properties